Be Ready for Your Next Visit!
Be ready for your next visit from DCR, ISBE and/or USDA monitor(s). Make sure:
- Your attendance and meal counts are up-to-date;
- All children under age 13 are enrolled (plus any special needs kids ages 13-18 with an approved IEP on file at the DCR office);
- To contact the DCR office if you plan to be away from your facility during a meal or snack time (ex. field trip);
- To ask for ID if an unfamiliar monitor comes for a visit. Feel free to contact DCR at (309) 925-2274 to verify a staff member, ISBE monitor or USDA monitor.
- The Illinois State Board of Education Monitoring Staff include (as of 10/10/2024):
- Beckmann, Abby
- Burton, John
- Foster, Judy
- Gregory, Andrea
- Hansen, Paul
- Hepner, Harley
- Jablonski, Yvonne
- Khalaf, Bushra
- London, Latricia
- Montague, Carol
- Nesler, Kim
- Newman, Mary
- Perkins, Kari
- Smith, Tess
- Whitaker, Matthew