Adoily-able T-shirt


  1. Old newspaper
  2. Pre-washed T-shirt
  3. Heart shaped doilies
  4. Glue stick
  5. Fabric paint
  6. Foam stencil brush


  1. Place newspaper inside the t-shirt so that the paint won't bleed through.
  2. Coat the center of the back of your doily with a thin layer of glue.
  3. Press the doily onto the shirt, sticky side down.
  4. Pour fabric paint into a shallow dish.
  5. Using a foam stencil brush, dab fabric paint all over the lacy part of the doily.
  6. Carefully peel the doily from the shirt, then let the paint dry.
  7. Set the paint according to the manufacturer's instructions.

Adoily-able T-shirt

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from Family Fun magazine