Cardboard Cupid


  1. Cardboard tube
  2. Acrylic paint: flesh(or pink), pink, white and black
  3. Paint brush
  4. 3 chenille stems: 1 gold, 1 red and 1 silver
  5. 2 cotton balls
  6. 2 googly eyes
  7. Construction paper
  8. Craft glue
  9. Scissors
  10. Black marker


  1. Paint cardboard tube with flesh(or pink)-colored paint.
  2. Bend about 2/3 of the gold chenille stem into a letter "D". Twist to secure. Trim off the extra. Set aside for the arrow.
  3. Bend the end of the red chenille stem into a small triangle. Twist to secure. Trim long end off.
  4. Take remaining red chenille and bend the end into a red heart. Twist to secure and trim off excess.
  5. Take the remaining piece of gold chenille. Twist the arrowhead onto one end and the heart onto the other.
  6. Glue the arrow across the front of the bow.
  7. Bend the ends of the silver chenille stem into the center.
  8. Glue to the back of the tube for cupid's wings. Let dry.
  9. Fluff cotton balls. Glue on top of the tube for hair.
  10. Glue the arrow to the front. Let dry.
  11. Cut two small circles from construction paper and glue to the front of the bow for hands.
  12. Glue on googly eyes. Use a marker to draw a smile.

Cardboard Cupid

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