Handprint Tree


  1. Cardstock
  2. Craft paints (Red, Yellow, Orange, Brown, Green)
  3. Foam Brush
  4. Disposable plastic plate


  1. Start by squirting some brown paint on the plate. Use the foam brush to paint the palm of a child's hand and arm brown.
  2. Then, place it with the hand spread wide in the middle of the page to form the trunk and branches of the tree.
  3. Wipe arm and hand clean.
  4. Choose your next color and squirt it on the plate on top of the brown. Mix it a little to give it a somewhat swirly look. Paint just the hand this time. Stamp on two to three "leaves", pointing the fingers outward.
  5. Repeat with the remaining paint colors.
  6. Once the tree has the fullness and coloring you like, dip just a fingertip in the paint to make leaves on the ground beneath the tree.

Handprint Tree

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adapted from learningaswearegrowing.com 2013