Juice Bottle Bug Catcher


  1. Empty plastic juice bottle with at least one flat side and lid
  2. Scissors
  3. Scrap of piece of window screen or tulle
  4. Natural items like rocks, grass, twigs, etc.


  1. Remove all labels from juice bottle.
  2. Wash inside and out thoroughly with warm water and mild dish soap.
  3. Rinse well and dry.
  4. Be sure to save the lid.
  5. Lay bottle on its flat side and use scissors to cut an opening on the side facing up.
  6. Cut a piece of screen or tulle to fit over the opening, overlapping it by about 1/4" all the way around the edge.
  7. Glue the screen window to the opening on the bottle.
  8. Place rocks, pebbles, dirt, grass, twigs, or whatever other natural items you choose inside the bottle through the opening at the top.
  9. To catch bugs with your bottle, place the bottle on the ground in tall grass where the insects can climb in. Alternatively, you can catch insects on your own and place them into the bottle through the lid opening, then secure the lid.
  10. If you have trouble setting the insect free, or if you need to replace the greenery inside, you can easily peel back the screen cover. To replace, simply add more glue and secure in place again.

Juice Bottle Bug Catcher

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adapted from www.craftskaboose.com