Making a Paper Starfish


  1. Starfish template
  2. 1 Tbsp birdseed or oatmeal
  3. glue and brush
  4. scissors to cut out star


  1. Give each child a starfish template
  2. Have the children count out loud with you the number of arms on the starfish
  3. Point out the fact that it is called a starfish or sea star because it is shaped like a star
  4. Instruct the children to smear the glue all over the starfish and then sprinkle birdseed or oatmeal on top of the glue
  5. When the children have finished applying the birdseed, pick up each starfish and pour off the excess seeds back into a container
  6. When the starfish is dry, it will feel bumpy just like a real starfish.
  7. Facts: Most starfish have 5 arms. If one arm breaks off, it can turn into a whole new starfish.

Making a Paper Starfish


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