Mother's Day Quilt


  1. Assorted colors of construction paper
  2. cut into 6" squares
  3. Assorted art materials such as
  4. crayons, markers, tape, glitter, etc
  5. Hole punch
  6. Assorted colors of yarn and masking tape


  1. Invite children to draw a picture that shows how they feel about their moms or special moments they share together such as vacations, holidays, how moms help, etc. Children may illustrate as many squares as they wish.
  2. Children may want to dictate words or a sentence for you to write on each square.
  3. Stack the completed squares for each child and punch holes around the edges.
  4. Place a piece of masking tape around one end of the yarn. Invite children to loosely lace their squares together using the yarn. Holes that aren't used to connect squares may be laced with yarn for decoration.

Mother's Day Quilt

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