Moving Sculptures Game


  1. no materials are needed for this game


  1. Have children move around a large open area or a yard.
  2. The adult calls out a number (such as 2 or 3). Children should form groups of that number.
  3. The adult calls out an object for the children to make.
  4. Each group should use their bodies to make that object.
  5. Some examples include: Groups of 2, form a chair!
  6. Groups of 4, make a washing machine!
  7. Groups of 3, make a waterfall!
  8. Groups of 4, make a car!
  9. Groups of 3, make a toaster!
  10. Groups of 2, transform into an elephant!
  11. Everyone, form a roller coaster!
  12. This game is only as limited as your imagination. Have children think of new, exciting statues to make.

Moving Sculptures Game

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adapted from , 2010.