Patriotic Eagle T-shirts


  1. brown, white, black and yellow fabric paint
  2. t-shirt
  3. piece of cardboard
  4. paintbrush(es)


  1. Place cardboard inside the t-shirt.
  2. With the brush, paint the child's right palm and fingers (but not the thumb) brown.
  3. Press the hand down on the shirt to form the eagle's left wing.
  4. Repeat to make the other wing.
  5. If needed, let dry.
  6. Paint three fingers of one hand white. Press at the bottom of the body to make tail feathers.
  7. Have the child make a fist with his/her left hand. Paint the pinkie side white. Press down at the top of the body to make the head. If desired, smudge slightly to give it a feathery look.
  8. If needed, let dry.
  9. Use a finger to make a black dot for the eye.
  10. Use a paintbrush to create a yellow beak.
  11. Let dry completely.

Patriotic Eagle T-shirts

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adapted from , 2011 and Family Fun, June/July 2010.