Rockin' Garden Art


  1. rocks (or flagstone or stepping stones for large projects)
  2. pencil
  3. acrylic paints
  4. paint brushes
  5. sharpie permanent markers
  6. A clear water-based semi gloss coating, such as Varathane "Spar Urethane-Outdoor" by Rust-Oleum


  1. Clean the surface of the rock you want to paint. Let dry.
  2. Draw the pictures, names and/ (or trace handprints) you want on the rock in pencil.
  3. Paint the image(s) with acrylic paints.
  4. Let dry.
  5. Outline the images with sharpie markers for more definition.
  6. Take the rock outside. Spray with semi-gloss coating.
  7. Place the finished rock(s) in your garden (or give as parent gifts!)

Rockin' Garden Art

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adapted from , 2011.