Soggy Jog Relay


  1. Soft, grassy area to run on
  2. One pair loose of sweatpants per team
  3. One large bucket of cold water per team
  4. Lawn chair
  5. 4 or more kids!


  1. Line up the teams side by side behind their water buckets.
  2. Position the lawn chair about 20 feet away.
  3. At the signal, the first child in each line dunks his team's sweatpants in the water, puts them on, and then runs around the chair and back to the starting line.
  4. There, he peels off the sweatpants (like a banana) and gives them to the next runner to dunk and don (inside out or right-side out), and so on.
  5. The first team whose members have all completed the task wins.
  6. Don't forget to remind the kids that the grass will be slippery!
  7. Do not leave children unattended around buckets of water.

Soggy Jog Relay

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