Statue of Liberty Crown
- 2 sturdy paper plates
- Green construction paper
- Glue
- Toilet paper tube
- Poster board
- Yellow tissue paper
- Green paint
- Gold glitter
- Stapler and staples
- Cut 2 1/2 inches from each bottom rim of the 2 paper plates, then cut out their centers leaving a 2-inch wide headband. If it's too tight, trim more away from the edge.
- Next, cut 6 triangles, each 4 inches across and 9 inches high, from the green construction paper.
- Space the triangles evenly across the front of one headband with the points radiating outward and staple into place.
- Glue the other headband across the first to conceal the staples.
- Fashion a torch out of the toilet-paper tube, poster board and tissue paper. See picture.
- Paint each with green paint, then "oxidize" with gold glitter.
adapted from