Stepping Stones
- shells, pebbles, acrylic gems, marbles, or other water-resistant decorations
- old clothes
- newspaper or tarp
- old jug or bucket
- plaster of paris
- disposable aluminum pie pan(s)
- Have children collect pebbles, stones, or craft materials.
- Have children change into old clothes before starting this activity.
- Cover your work area with newspapers or a tarp.
- In an old jug or bucket, mix plaster of paris according to the directions on the package.
- Pour into the pie pan(s).
- Have children decorate the top of his/her stepping stone with the items he/she collected. Be careful not to press too hard to avoid sinking.
- Dry completely.
- Remove from pie pan(s).
- These make great parent gifts or garden stepping stones!
adapted from , 2010.