Toothbrush Bracelets
- One old toothbrush per child
- tweezers or pliers
- Pot
- Tongs
- Large mug
- Oven gloves
- This is a great craft to do with school age and older children!
- Remove bristles from the toothbrush(es) with tweezers or pliers.
- Have an adult boil water.
- The adult should boil the toothbrushes for 5 minutes.
- The adult should carefully remove toothbrush(es) with tongs.
- Bend toothbrush into a bracelet shape. (If toothbrush doesn't bend enough, put back in hot water.)
- Place bent toothbrush in the bottom of a mug to hold its shape while it cools.
- Pour cold water in the mug and remove your new bracelet.
adapted from , 2010.