Worm Farm


  1. Worms
  2. Plastic soda bottle
  3. Tape
  4. Gravel or stones
  5. Sand
  6. Dirt
  7. Banana peel
  8. Black construction paper


  1. Cut the top off a plastic soda bottle. Tape the edge.
  2. Pour in 2 inches gravel or stones for drainage (good way to get small rocks out of the yard!)
  3. Alternate 2 inches of sand, 2 inches of dirt (VERY lightly spray the dirt with water)
  4. Put a few small pieces of banana peel in the middle for worm food.
  5. Continue with layers until top.
  6. Add worms.
  7. Tape the top back on or cover top with plastic wrap and tape. Either way, put in several air holes.
  8. Tape black construction paper around bottle, and leave for a day or 2.
  9. When you take the paper off, you will see the tunnels the worms have made, and the layers will have shifted and mixed.
  10. Make sure you check your bottle ecosystems every day; moisten the soil; add more moistened food to the top layer if necessary.

Worm Farm

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adapted from www.kidsactivities.net