Paint child's palm brown. Paint child's fingers different colors - red, green, yellow, and orange. Press…
Mix 2-4 oz. vinegar and a few drops of food coloring in each cup. Use 1 cup for each basic color. Sprinkle…
Make stripes out of black electrical tape on the back of the yellow plate. Cut black plate in half. Glue…
Cut three sections out of the egg carton. One section will be the crab's body. Cut down two other sections…
Cut the paper towel tubes into four different lengths, as shown. Pour some play sand on to the paper…
Wash and dry bottles completely. Fill with 1/4 cup dry beans or rice. Replace cap. Seal cap shut and…
Cut the egg carton into individual units. Paint yellow and let dry. Cut orange pipe cleaner into small…
Separate egg carton cups using scissors. Trim edges. Paint egg cartons in desired colors and let dry.…
Cut a cardboard circle from the tube about 3" wide per cup. Cover with black construction paper.…
Fold a piece of construction paper in half and draw a mitten shape onto the paper so that the non-thumb…
Cut a simple pine tree shaped triangle from green craft foam. Cover foam in white craft glue. Cover foam…
Choose a large pom pom for the bat's body. Cut two wings out of craft foam. Glue the wings onto the…
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