Banana Orange Smoothie
Makes (homes):
4 (3/4 cup) Portions
about 3 cups
Makes (centers):
12 (3/4 cup) portions
about 9 cups
Ingredients (homes):
- 1 cup (~1 large) Banana, large, sliced
- 1/2 cup Orange Juice
- 1 cup Yogurt, vanilla, 23 g or less sugar in 6 oz.
- 1/2 cup Strawberries, frozen
Ingredients (centers):
- 3 cup (~ 3 large) Banana, large, sliced
- 1 1/2 cup Orange Juice
- 3 cup Yogurt, vanilla, 23 g or less sugar in 6 oz.
- 1 1/2 cup Strawberries, frozen
- Puree all ingredients in a blender or food processor.
3/4 cup = 1/2 oz. meat alt. and 1/2 cup fruit for 1-5 year olds at snack. Serve 1 1/2 cups to each 6-12 year old for a complete snack.
CACFP Credit:
Record on your menu as:
Fruit Smoothie (Fruit and Vegetable Food List # 65)
Adapted from: Kids Cook, Oklahoma State Department of Health, 2012.