Peanut Butter (or Sun/Soy Butter) Dip
Makes (homes):
8 (2 Tablespoons) portions
Makes (centers):
32 (2 Tablespoons) portions
Ingredients (homes):
- 1/2 cup Nut/Seed Butter*
- 1/2 cup Vanilla Yogurt
Ingredients (centers):
- 2 cups Nut/Seed Butter*
- 2 cups Vanilla Yogurt
- Mix ingredients together.
- Serve with fresh fruit like apple slices.
2 tablespoons to count as 1/2 ounce meat alternate at snack.
Half of a medium apple counts as 1/2 cup fruit.
*For kids with nut allergies, ask parents if you can use sunflower or soy butter instead.
CACFP Credit:
Meat & Meat Alternate
Record on your menu as:
Nut/Seed Butter (Meat and Meat Alternate Food List # 103)
2022 DCR Calendar - May