Sweet Potato Snack Sticks

Makes (homes):

6 portions
(1/2 cup fries + 2 Tbsps. hummus)

Makes (centers):

24 portions
(1/2 cup fries + 2 Tbsps. hummus)

Ingredients (homes):

  • 1 (20 oz. bag) Sweet Potato Fries
  • 3/4 cup Hummus

Ingredients (centers):

  • 4 lb. 6 oz. Sweet Potato Fries
  • 3 cups Hummus


  1. Bake fries according to package directions.
  2. Dip in hummus.


1/2 cup fries + 2 tbsps. hummus to ages 1-5 at snack
3/4 cup fries + 1/4 cup hummus to ages 6+ at snack

Sweet Potato Snack Sticks

Rating: 0.0 (0 ratings)



CACFP Credit:

Meat & Meat Alternate

Record on your menu as:

Garbanzo beans/chick peas (Meat and Meat Alternate Food List # 68)
Sweet potato fries (Fruit and Vegetable Food List # 166)


Kristi Brougher, DCR intern, 2021; DCR Calendar 2023.